Friday, October 24, 2008

That makes my day and other stuff

Bill is off work due to his iritis flaring again. You can see his blog post about it here. Anyhow, he normally still sends Duncan to day care - b/c Bill pretty much can't go outside too much as even when it's cloudy it's too bright, and feels bad that Duncan doesn't get to do too much when he keeps him home. Plus Duncan likes his friends at day care. The flip side of this is that we can let Duncan sleep in and we don't need to bring him over to Nikki's until he wakes up on his own - which is normally 7:30 - 8:00 as opposed to the evil 5:45 we normally get him up.

Today Bill decided to keep him home - well heck, he still loves his Duncan time. So I just called to say good morning (I was gone at 5:30 AM - UHG!) and Duncan was just waking up. Bill took the phone upstairs with him and put it on speaker phone. It is the sweetest thing in the world to hear my little boy chit chatting away with his Daddy and saying "Hi mama! Hi Mama!". Every morning he points to the various dinosaur thing in his room "arrr!!" and then we need to go over everything in his crib - Addison, Tinker, Steggie (the Stegosaurus), etc... Tinker and Addison are his favourite's right now, with Tinker totally being in the lead. He's a little beanie bear Mom got him when he was born, and it's getting to the go with him everywhere stage.

Laura - I think it's awesome you can get so much with your Shoppers Points! We don't shop there that often that I think I've got like 2000 points right now.

Andrea - Save-On points have actually gotten us quite a few things over the years. I figure I'm buying groceries anyhow, nice to get something on the side. However 1/2 the time I shop at Superstore (depending on what I need) so I don't earn them as quick as I once did.

This weekend - looks like we're going to the pumpkin patch tomorrow with Oma and Opa and cousins Erik and Katie- should be a hoot. Then to the Bell's Halloween party. Duncan will be tired, but quite happy I think.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


1 comment:

Laura said...

I'm with Duncan - Tinker is so cute and adorable - i want to carry him around with me too.

I hope Bill's eye problem clears up soon!