Tuesday, October 7, 2008

This and That

Good morning! We were a little slow getting out the door this morning, but Duncan continues to be awesome going to Nikki's. He danced there this morning :)

Day #2, still no iTunes working on the computer, and this is after Bill had a go at it. Soon I am returning that iPod. Sorry Apple. I realize the problem is probably Vista, but I'm not going to get a new computer just so an iPod will work.

We had an offer! But it wasn't a very good one. $40,000 below asking, so we didn't even counter, we just turned it down. Here is our listing. Pictures should be up soon.

I brought left over chocolate cake to work. It was hard to let go, but I didn't need it in my house, and I can promise the next time I walk by the lunch room it will be gone. I hope other people enjoy!

I'm in training all day today. Hope you all have a good day.

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