Friday, May 28, 2010


Happy Friday everyone! It's 4:30 and I'm having a coffee, my little girl having me up every night caught up to me today. I was hoping b/c I didn't need to get up for the alarm today she would let me sleep in, but it was false hope. I told Bill tomorrow he can get up with her. I'm pooped!

But we both had the day off (Bill flex day, I took a vacation day) so we could go into the bank and sign off on our mortgage, set up an RESP for Cordie, and re-set up our RRSPs. So we're all done there. After we had some fun and went to the La-Z-Boy store. We are certainly planning on buying 2 recliners when we move  - it's our new house gift to ourselves, so we were trying them out. I think we've narrowed it down to the Maverick and the Joshua. If we decide on something from Lazyboy though we might order it through our local furniture store as they are actually pretty good for price matching or getting it cheaper. We will also be getting a sofa of some sort. 

We went and saw Prince of Persia this afternoon. It was fun. Nothing spectacular, but enough of a plot to make it worth while, and it's crazy b/c this is the 2nd movie this week we've been to!

Then home, made some phone calls about house stuff, and then time to grab the kids. Cordie is standing on the outside of her exersaucer right now - she is really close to cruising - she wants to walk - watch out world! This morning for the 1st time Duncan got out of bed and came downstairs without someone having to go get him. So I guess we need to lock the gate at night now b/c I don't want him wandering down during the night.

Torrow is Sportball and in the afternoon I think we're going to the Bell's to visit. If the weather is nice Sunday we'll go for a hike or something.

And that's what's going on!

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