Outside my window: it's overcast. It was foggy this morning. It's a nice fall day though. I love fall!
I am hearing: Rachel Ray. Mackenzie Philips is on there. I'm rather tired of her now.
I am thinking: if the cats, who are running around upstairs, wake the kids, furr will fly
I am hoping: that our decision to not sell next year, and stay put for a while instead, is the right one.
I am reading: Still An Echo in the Bone by Diana Gabaldon. I told you I'm a slow reader!
I am creating: still working on quilts. Lots of them to make!
I am wearing: Gap pants and a black t-shirt.
In the kitchen:
Monday - pasta
Tuesday - Beef stroganoff
Wednesday - Pork chops (shake and bake)
Thursday - pasta again
Friday - we'll figure that out on Friday
Around the house: I need to get Cordie's room cleaned up!!
Plans for the week: Bill has Friday off. Duncan is going to daycare then instead and we're going to get work outside done.
A few of my favorite things: Duncan has taken some chores upon himself - like feeding the cats each morning, and helping set the table. I love that when we went for a walk yesterday afternoon with Oma and Opa he walked the whole way, at a good pace. He's just growing up. Cordie's new sound " Ba ba ba ba ba ba". She's so cute!!!
Picture Thought:
This is a Northern Flicker. Not a great shot, but he was hanging around in our back yard this past week and I thought he was (she was?) a beautiful bird.
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