Saturday, June 14, 2008

Saturday Musings

Duncan slept way better last night. In fact he slept in until 8:30. Threw even us off. But we all felt a million times better today. He is still fighting this thing off, and he's lost his voice, but you could tell he felt better today than before.

Went to Mom and Dad's for brunch (thanks again!). We used to meet at White Spot on Saturday mornings, but Duncan is getting to the age where he's not too content to sit in a high chair at the restaurant for a while, so we decided to bow out of that fot a bit.

Back home - Duncan napped for a few hours and we got some stuff done, although I did not get to the weeding I thought of doing. Oh well. Then we popped out for Alexandra's birthday party for a bit- before Duncan was tired again. I dropped the boys off and went grocery shopping (exciting I know) and Duncan went to bed around 7:30. No milk tonight, so he was really unimpressed but considering it makes him more phlegmy we thought we'd stick with water. He still fell asleep so obviously it is not going to kill him. We've been wanting to make the move towards water at bed anyhow, so maybe this is a good time to start? I was going to wait until after the cruise so he'd go down well at night, but we'll see how it goes.

So Duncan doesn't watch tv - well so far he doesn't. We're kidding ourselves if we think he won't but so far we've just not been watching stuff he's interested in, and quite frankly, he's doing just fine. However reading up on cruising with kids it's been suggested that if there is a show he really likes bring some dvds and a portable dvd player and he can watch it at dinner time so you can still have your nice meal without him getting too antsy. So I'm trying some shows that I don't mind on for size for him. Backyardigans etc... if he finds one or two particularly compelling then maybe we'll let him start watching those and bring some along on the ship. If it doesn't work no problem we'll eat in the casual diner most night and Mom and Dad will be eating in the 2nd seating and have said they will watch him while we got to our meal - like on formal night.

I have an awesome family. I don't talk about my family much. I have 3 older brothers and while they are all just great guys I'm not particularly close to them. This is fine with me it's nothing "contentious" - we're just not all best friend like. But they are still awesome people. Like my brother Tim (1 of 4). On purpose he won a Chicago Bears Jersey so that he could give it to Bill as a birthday gift (Bill loved it!). My brother Sean (3 of 4) lives in Kelowna (which he loves) but housing prices there are just as stupid as they are here, so brother Jeff (2 of 4) is trying to work it out to help Sean buy a place. How awesome is that?! Jeff is just an amazingly generous soul to begin with, but still, he keeps proving it.

And on to Dad. It's Father's Day tomorrow. Happy Father's Day Dads! Let's just say Jeff comes by it honestly as Dad too is a really, really generous soul. I've always been a Daddy's girl - even when I was little I'd ride along with him for the day for work and all and I just loved it. Duncan adores his Opa ("Vah vah") and it is so cute to see the two of them together.

But since we're at it, I can't forget my Mom. Most of you know who know me know Mom and I are pretty darned close. I like this. I like my Mom! (Yes Mom, I know you're reading this, you don't need to blush). I think Mom and I'd be friends even if we weren't related. I love that God has blessed me with the family he has and although I haven't always appreciated them (Mom! Sean's hitting me!) I realize now what a blessing they are.

Good night.

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