Okay, this is interesting to me.
As you would probably guess the conversation during our commutes can go all over the place. Usually it's down right silly, but we also reminisce a lot, and the other day I was mentioning the old Zenith 1234 commercials. Neither Bill nor Ronnie had any idea what I was talking about.
So I looked it up. This was developed back in the days with rotary phones and not having a "Z" on the phone. You call the Operator and ask for Zenith 1234 and she would put you through. I remember it being a children's help line.
It turns out it still is! If you call the operator (at least in BC) and ask for Zenith 1234 you will get connected with Ministry of Children and Families. I just found it interesting is all.
I remember Zenith 1234! I do! I do!
Hope came home in Grade 2 telling me about it....I still totally remember it...yep, funny how we got those things drilled into our heads...like, this is your brain, this is your brain on drugs...any questions. (then with a side of bacon, ham or sausage as I remember joking with my friends at the time)
I used to catch a beating from my dad quite often as a child. Up until the time I was 12 or so. He used to whip me with a leather belt when he was really mad. I just had to stand there naked and take it. I remember thinking the last time he did it that if it ever happened again I was going to call the operator and ask for that number. Sometimes I wish I did, it would have served him right for whipping a child like that. The only thing I ever learned from it was that my old man was a jerk. I hope kids today have a number in their heads like Zenith1234 they can call if they need to.
I once called Zenith 1234. They called back to speak to my dad. It didn't go well.
Years ago my brother and his friends called Zenith 1234 as a prank pretending to be abused. They traced the call and got into quite a bit of trouble for that one.
I called this number 1234.
When I was done with my parents beating me.every time I was not good.i ended up in foster care at 9.
It was the worst.
Im 56 now but when I was 11 or 12, I noticed the ad banner on the bus. I called it over the next 2 years a few times. Same story as others but abusive Mom and deliberately disengaged father. he knew and saw for years. What she did, said to me and my brothers. Finally, I walked in to a Social Services office up north in Dawson Creek. I was 13. I dont know how I knew to go see them but I did. I asked to be adopted out or put in care. That I wanted a chance to graduate school... I wasnt doing well in school anymore from stress etc.
But the woman called my parents. My mother ofcourse didnt come. My dad did. He was quietly containing his obvious rage very obviously to me, not because of my pain etc but the embarrassment to be called in yo there and others knowing outsiders knowing... though he did as he always did whennannoccassional adultbmight question them over the years and denied anything I said and convincingly said I lied often and the women bought it. Angrily, she looked at me and berated me for abusing calling Zenith 1234... I hadnt mentioned that to her. She proceeded to list the days Ivcalled and read from a file, what a I had called in for... she said it as if it was proof of my lying... since my obviously upstanding parents were so burdened by me.
It was not great at home after. within a few months I had worked up the courage yo run away for the first time. But picture me... back then... I didnt swear, was a loner who didnt have friends because my mother was abusive verbably or punitive/petty by forbidding me calls innthe house or to go join friends whenninvited. After a while, no one called or spoke to me. Kids know when things are weird and will bully or just avoid you.
And this kid, so nieve, so NOT street smart, who didnt drink do drugs party.. know anything.. was choosing to be on the streets in Northern BC thannin her family home.
That docial worker sent a chill down my spine when she threw my private words to childrens help line, back in my face and said she agreed with my father she had only just net.. that I was a liar and bad kid. That I should be grateful to my parents who at least was willing to take me home.
I remeber distinctly hearing my voice in my head as I froze, hearing her words, dreading what I knew my mom would fo to me when dad brought me home.. My voice was screaming in my head... there is no safe place. No people who really care for children. You will always be alone. No one is going to help you.
I hate Childrens Help Line to this day. They getrayed me. My life went diwnhill after that. I had no hope left. Just survival. And I learned that in the hardest of places.. in my family home and on the streets. All because Zenith 1234 betrayed my confidence after 2 or 3 years of doing nothing to help, if that is even their mandate.
I hate them all still.. the resentment is so deep... as deep as that feeling, that jolt of white hot betrayal.. that shot through me in that Social Workers office after a few months summoning the courage to ask for help... knowing that my family would know I had finally told someone about them.
The joke was on me.
They dont desrve to still be operating that number. They do much more harm than good, clearly from others accounts here too.
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